#90 Cabot's Pueblo Museum

Cabot's Pueblo Museum is an historic landmark in Desert Hot Springs. This Hopi-style pueblo was created by homesteader Cabot Yerxa, who first settled here in 1913. While digging for water, he discovered the hot springs for which the area is named. His 4 story Pueblo contains 35 rooms, 150 windows, 65 doors and 30 different roofs and was constructed from found materials of the surrounding Coachella Valley.

One of the famous 'Trail of the Whispering Giants' Native American heads sculpted by Peter Wolf Toth also has its home here. 'Waokiye', number 27 of 74, was carved from a 750 years old fallen giant sequoia. Toth's sculptures honor the Native Americans of America, and he has one in every single state.


#91 Balboa Island


#89 Furnace Creek Inn