Ethics in Library & Information Science

     Since I began the MLIS program this Spring, I often wondered how librarians can remain neutral in the current state of the world which favors the spread of misinformation. In this article, Shumaker claims that librarians cannot be neutral when it comes to information. Librarians are one of the most trusted professions and most people agree that they can rely on their services to provide accurate information. Shumaker debunks the myth that librarians should remain neutral and refrain from judging or analyzing a work. The complete opposite is true. Librarians need to ensure all works are thoroughly checked to make sure they contain factual and reliable information. People can only make good judgements with information if librarians are making good judgements while assisting. Works must be selected based on credibility and facts instead of opinions. This is the only way to fight misinformation and promote information literacy.

     Shumaker furthers his views by discussing Lester Asheim’s 1953 article “Not Censorship but Selection” which stated that librarians should not censor but appropriately select information. He then applies this to the information field today and its complexities because of social media. He claims that misinformation has always been a problem but today the goal is not just to misinform but to completely abolish truth and democracy. It is an information war and librarians must fight back with facts and be adaptable to the changing information landscape.

     This article was found using the Library & Information Science Source database from the San José State University Library. It is a current article from this past April, was featured in the Information Today journal, and contains four references. The article was written by Dave Shumaker, a professor and information manager. It was written for information professionals by an information professional, so is biased towards how librarians can interact with and not be neutral with information today based on the research and opinions of the community.

     I enjoyed this article which helped answer some of my own questions as I am still in the beginning stages of my information career. The goal is to be non-biased and focus on facts. It was perfect for an introduction on ethics by stating that one should strive to do the best, most honest work possible and be open to change and continual learning.


Shumaker, D. (2022). Librarians can’t be neutral in the war on information. Information Today, 39(3), 20–22.


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