owens valley

#132 Manzanar National Historic Site

Manzanar National Historic Site protects and preserves one of America's darkest moments in history. Japanese Americans were sent away to live in 'War Relocation Centers' aka concentration camps during World War II. This Owens Valley camp had very primitive conditions and was extremely hot and dusty in the summer while cold in the winter. It is not a place many choose to live by their free will. These American Citizens worked to keep the camp running with pitiful salaries about $8-19 a month or $115-275 in 2016 dollars.

Even though treated unfairly, these Japanese Americans were extremely strong and bonded together. They made the camp more beautiful by creating gardens with stunning landscapes while growing closer as families. In 1988, President Ronald Reagan gave a formal apology for the treatment of these law abiding citizens and created a reparations act. Although it is hard to remember, it is important to never forget about our past so we do not make the same terrible mistakes today.